
What's next for the UK economy?

  • Describe how monetary policy impacts the real economy
  • Explain how the UK's outlook compares with other developed markets
  • Identify the implications of the present very low rate of unemployment

David Thorpe is investment editor of FTAdviser

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Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Which of the below is an "idiosyncratic" factor mentioned by Luke Bartholomew as significant to the performance of the UK economy over the past year?

  2. To what level does Azad Zangana say UK inflation will fall in 2023?

  3. Why does Zangana expect the impact of tighter monetary policy on the housing market to be more muted than in the past?

  4. What does Bartholomew say could lead to persistently lower interest rates in future?

  5. Why does Zangana say ageing workforces cause higher inflation?

  6. What does Stewart Robertson say the market is getting wrong right now?

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You should now know…

  • Describe how monetary policy impacts the real economy
  • Explain how the UK's outlook compares with other developed markets
  • Identify the implications of the present very low rate of unemployment

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