
Will interest rates be cut this year?

  • To understand the relationship between inflation and monetary policy
  • To discover the conundrum facing central bankers this year
  • To understand the likely path of inflation this year

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Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What does Guy Miller believe will test central bankers patience this year?

  2. What does Jeremy Lawson feel central banks will ignore in their quest for lower inflation?

  3. Which asset class does Blacbourn expect to rise in value in 2023?

  4. Which event does Miller believe changed the supply side inflation picture in 2022?

  5. What does Moec believe is different about US inflation relative to the rest of the world?

  6. To what factor does Lyons attribute his view that inflation will be persistently higher?

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You should now know…

  • To understand the relationship between inflation and monetary policy
  • To discover the conundrum facing central bankers this year
  • To understand the likely path of inflation this year

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