
What advisers need to know about the impact of BTL rule changes

  • How the law has changed for renters
  • How the law has changed for landlords
  • Identify where housing stock is coming from

BTR schemes worth investigating 

However, there are alternatives. If your clients are tiring of keeping up with the latest set of electrical regulations, then why not suggest a share in the big boys.

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Build To Rent (BTR) is a growing phenomenon, with several large investment companies specialising in the Private Rental Sector quoted on the stock market. Less hassle, greater liquidity and all managed on platform.

Adrian Boulding is the director of retirement strategy at Dunstan Thomas


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Which of the following is NOT a safeguard introduced by the Deregulation Act 2015?

  2. True or false, section 21 notices are one of two key legal levers landlords can pull to repossess their property in case of breakdown in agreement with tenants.

  3. True or false, when the mortgage tax relief is phased out, landlords will no longer be able to offset interest costs against profits.

  4. In the research cited by Adrian Boulding, the average mortgage value on BTL properties equates to just over:

  5. True or false. Help to Buy equity loans, buying through shared ownership and Help to Buy Isas are NOT working to make it easier for first time buyers to get on the housing ladder.

  6. According to Adrian Boulding, why are councils attracted to Local House Companies (LHCs)?

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You should now know…

  • How the law has changed for renters
  • How the law has changed for landlords
  • Identify where housing stock is coming from

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